Well, let's be real. One article is not proof. But I want to pull out this little gem of a paragraph because if you are like me- I could never figure any of that stuff out. And that made me feel dumb.
General Flynn told Al-Jazeera during a January 2016 interview that after the DIA produced a report predicting that U.S. arms shipments to Syrian “rebels” would end up in the hands of Islamic terrorists — terrorists who soon morphed into ISIS. General Flynn was absolutely spot on — as that is exactly what happened. Those “Syrian rebels” became ISIS terrorists and conducted a genocide of Christians across the Middle East.General Flynn explained that the Obama administration made a “willful decision” to ship arms to the Islamic terrorists. General Flynn correctly predicted the rise of ISIS. The Obama administration did not want that information pointed out to the American public. The Obama Administration ignored the warnings in the DIA report.C
UH,uh, uh!!! Before you get all hot under the collar this is only one news article. Seems to be credible but...stay aloof. We are not children and we need more than one source, right??? There are a lot of theories thrown around-especially by the media. We can't just fall in love with all of them.
Anyhow, I want to, now- bring in some other paragraphs to explain where America was at globally at that time. "I" was at work and then dealing with children. Pretty dangerous lifestyle of my own.
Those emerging national security threats include “Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea,” General Mark Milley, now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accurately warned in 2016.The Intercept quoted passages from General Flynn’s book Field of Fight:
An Updated Axis Of Evil…
…“This administration has forbidden us Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, and Venezuela.” “Let’s face it: right now we’re losing, and I’m talking about a very big war, not just Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan,” Flynn goes on to write. “We’re in a world war against a messianic mass movement of evil people, most of them inspired by a totalitarian ideology: Radical Islam. But we are not permitted to speak or write those two words, which is potentially fatal to our culture.”
1. You need to learn phrases like "totalitarian ideology. I get that it's as interesting as learning about a gall bladder on a cow but "we" need to know because our freedom is in danger of being replaced with something else, like maybe totalitarian ideology or socialism, cousin to communism.
Totalitarian Ideologies. A typical threat to democracy has been totalitarian ideologies like Fascism, Nazism , and Communism. To gain power, totalitarian ideologies use populism. Both populism and totalitarian ideologies attract followers by appealing to people's emotions.
2. In and around 2016 our service people were not permitted to speak or write the words "Radical Islam." Why? Myself, I think it was like the proverbial elephant in the room. They weren't allowed to speak of the elephant because then it would have to be acknowledged and dealt with. No talkie, no problem, Meanwhile the elephant got bigger and stronger. I think Obama liked the elephant. It may have even been his elephant. Or, it may be more accurate to say that the elephant owned him.
Yeah. I said that.
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